Beautiful artwork very nicely done.But it being called road of the dead and the game-play revolving around you running zombies over I kinda expected,you know maybe a car in the background.Still awesome work
Beautiful artwork very nicely done.But it being called road of the dead and the game-play revolving around you running zombies over I kinda expected,you know maybe a car in the background.Still awesome work
Quite beautiful. you worked on her well. She needs a better background to comiplent her .Nice job
ur right
I was Like wow..This is beautiful..Click to enlarge. Only Size there is.NOOOoooo It needs to be bigger so that I may look in awe.Still a Marvelous job.
This is EPIC the amount of details is awesome.They say a picture is worth a thousand words I'd say this is worth a million.Makes me wonder how long this picture toke you guys.There's alot of creativity and imagination here I love it
due to the fact that we lingered around most of the given time, we had to do this in little less then a week. This wasn't a real problem though, because it tooks not any longer then a couple of hours for each one to do his part of the Lineart and because we know each other well and know how to fit in a common style, it wasn't that hard to accomplish the lines fairly fast. (although after everyone finished his part i got obsessesed with adding more and more details like crazy-hell-schniedelwutz)
the most time-consuming part to do was adding the Colours. I'd never colored a lineart that saturated with this crazy amount of weird stuff before and further more it was the important job of the colouring to clear things up and makes the messy lineart approachable for the Viewer.
And beneath, this is the reason why i chose this pallete of warm, smooth colours in order to calm things down and to soothe the savage lineart :D
Her Design is Pretty awesome.The Armour looks cool Large weapon and Bunny ears (?). She reminds me of a Final Fantasy character.Great Job
Your art is so Beautiful.Your Coloring is Smooth and Vibrant and your Style is Unique and pleasing to the eyes(my eyes Specifically)you Just became my new favorite Artist ^_^
I would re-watch the Entire ed,ed&eddy series if all the art looked like this
Particularly, I like the original style^^
Now thats a pretty cool looking monster but its not something I would wanna see as a Child lol I would keep thinking its under my bed
This just Beautiful you colored it well and gave it a a few other details as well.I applaud you and your awesome work :)
Joined on 2/23/12